Reading films: debate and cult cinema

by IE Creativity Center

On Campus

Fri, Apr 13, 2018

7 PM – 9 PM (GMT+2)

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Segovia's Creativity Center
Casa de la Moneda

Calle de la Moneda sin número, Segovia 40.003, Spain

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By means of a carefully selected programme of cult Spanish films -all to be played entirely in Spanish-, our aim is to dedicate the watching experience on the pure joy of cinema rather than the films’ text and/or dialogues.

 By doing so, we embrace the visual language, which generally bespeaks 90% of a film’s content. This project aims to enhance the way we experience films, through hidden treasures of the Spanish cinema from authors of the like of Carlos Saura, Víctor Erice, Alex de la Iglesia or Luis García Berlanga.

The project “Spanishness and Cinema” involves screenings of an exclusive selection of Spanish films from 60's, 70's, 80's...and actual widely renowned keystones. Prior to each screening, every participant will be given a brief introductory text with specific details to reflect on throughout the film. 

Master degree specialist Carlos Redondo will guide the introductions.

Our main focus while watching the films will be the images, scenarios, characterization, historical background or cinematography. In order to give full attention to the “unspoken language”, the films will be in their original language, Spanish, with no subtitles.

Participants who speak little to no Spanish are strongly encouraged to join, since it will make it easier for them to focus on the visual language. That being said, everyone is welcome to join, regardless of their level of Spanish and knowledge of cinema.

Introductory talks at Conference room; watching the film at the cosy attic. 

This session however we will focus on identity and post-colonialism by analyzing La Haine (1996), by Mathieu Kassovitz. 

In the medium term, and always subjected to their availability, Spanish film directors of the like of Alex de la Iglesia can be invited to discuss with students the films.


Segovia's Creativity Center
Casa de la Moneda

Calle de la Moneda sin número, Segovia 40.003, Spain

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Co-hosted with: IE Campus Life

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